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Read LOBBYCO's TWEETS: click the bird . . .

To HELP create "quality of life for all" we NEED to at least understand and pursue equally all these objectives. . .

#EssentialEconomics = laws created by Our Government which assures all essential human rights are met, not limited to, and include Guaranteed Income and Affordable Housing (#aHAVENaHOME) based on financial, physical and psychological need.

#COMMUNITALISM = means living in a national community which respects every citizen's right to dignity, quality of life and happiness ensured by government making new laws that guarantee Essential Economics outcomes to #ENDpoverty, such as #AffordableHOUSING, #FreeHEALTHCARE4ALL and #INCOME4ALL!

#OURgovt = is our national elected government - by US, WE THE PEOPLE - whos fundamental role is to ensure our needs are met from the economic ground up, ensuring there is fair rewards and conditions that are always voluntary NOT mandatory and includes guaranteeing kindness, supports and incentives in all their laws, for each citizen to utilise best to suit their own unique talents and achieve their goals throughout their lives.

#STOPtheWAROnthePoor and #ENDpoverty = is based on the same principle that government needs to ensure every person who cannot work full-time or cannot create enough income above the poverty line themselves from assets, therefore needs income guaranteed by our government to eradicate the possibility of poverty occuring.

#Individuals1st = all Centrelink eligibility to be based on a person's OWN income and assets NOT a partner's or parent's income and assets.

#HERITAGEandEQUITY4ALL = As the hashtag states it is of utmost importance, psychological and monetarily to ensure all child beneficiaries are indeed recieving their full legal human rights. Based on the United Nation's CEDAW Treaty, our national government needs to start reminding all states and territories in Australia that in estate law or our Succession Acts, that they have had an international legal obligation since 1983 to directly without fuss ensure all child beneficiaries in a Will must be treated as equals in "ALL FORMS" in their rights to access all their family heritage for the rest of their lifetime in non-monetary and monetary equity terms - therefore all family homes (being kept and not sold for all children's equal net reconciled monetary benefit) where the title is to be transfered from a parent or parents to a child/ren and/or partner - in other words no child should be able to lose their inalienable birthright to their heritage which is priceless or invaluable and cannot be purchased or is being bequeath to another family member. Also all children should have an inalienable right to an equal fair share of equity in the family estate (unless justifiably substantiated by undeniable facts and direct evidence), and if one child receives more equity in one asset than another child, the child receiving more needs to ensure any other child receives similar equity to them to compensate them for such, even if that means to keep such bequeathed asset they need to take a loan to ensure such equality - and remembering at no time is it appropriate that any child has right of coercion over another to determine outcomes, therefore each child's monetary equity must be independent of each other child's. It is absolutely, legally time, all childrens' rights are legally protected by direct state statute law (ie in the Will section of all Succession Acts Australia-wide) both non-monetarily and monetarily from their birth until their death throughout Australia so no child can be discriminated against in an unjustifiably biased Will ever again.

#HendersonPovertyLine = is Australia's statistical measure that twice yearly determines the level of income per person needed to ensure each person does not live below the poverty line.

#88aDAY = The Henderson Poverty Line in Australia in 2022 or the amount of dollars per day Centrelink needs to provide each recipient (whether in a couple or not) to ensure they are not falling below the poverty line.

#VoluntaryNOTmandatory = all Centrelink laws need to be voluntary NOT mandatory to ensure dignity is assured.

#FairSeniorsPENSION or #GuaranteedLivingPENSION or #120aDAY = for those that CANNOT work at all.

#HomemakersWAGE or #GuaranteedLivingINCOME for over 55s or #88aDAY = for those that CAN ONLY work part-time and not of pension age.

#GuaranteedLivingWAGE or #52kAyearMinimumWAGE = for entry level employees who can work full-time.

#52kTaxFreeThreshold = all income up to this point per financial year is tax-free as no person earning less than this amount should be paying any tax on the first $52,000 earnt per financial year assured by a Community Gross Tax.

#PAIDtoLEARN and #FREEtraining = all vocational education for Centrelink recipients (as they are not income or asset rich) is HECS FREE and training to be treated as an apprenticeship whether at tafe or university, therefore a Guaranteed Living Income is paid whilst studying - this is to bring into line all the professions (mostly female) who previously were unpaid whilst in training, plus further allows all other training recipients to receive income whilst in training which previously received none.

#CommunityGROSStax = is revenue raised to fund essential community services from all entities earning more than $1 million per year which pay tax based on a percentage rate that can be raised or lowered by our government depending on the need to increase or decrease inflation or increase or decrease revenue.

#DebtFreeIncome = is guaranteed income given to people via Centrelink based on NEED which is debt free to our government and therefore NOT funded by taxpayers.

Etc. These are just a few of the campaigns - further campaigns will being added as needed.

Plus . . .